Reflective Practice

Today, while creating and working on the design of the course web site for a new iteration of the digital literacy courses I’ve taught in the past, I am reflecting on the purpose and meaning of this work. As I search, curate, and make decisions about what to include, I’ve come across sketchnote images done by Giulia Forsythe as posted on her open, CC0 licensed creative works.

These caught my attention since they are about reflexive journalling, since that is what this blog is all about.

The Promise of Reflective Journalling

The Promise of Reflective Journals

Revisiting Reflective Journals – presentation by Tim O’Connell

Revisiting Reflective Journals, Tim O'Connell

Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher

Brookfield #tli2012 Keynote: Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher