
I consider myself a novice when it comes to experience with interviewing as part of doing research. I’m not new to interviewing but most of the interviews I’ve conducted are less formal and more conversational. I’m not sure that is the approach that should be used for research interviews. So, I’m doing some research and taking time to rehearse. I’ve developed the interview protocol, which is part of the research ethics approval process. I’ve designed some informal, unstructured interview questions. I’ve lined up some critical friends to help me rehearse my interviewing strategies. In this way, I’ll hopefully be better prepared to do the interviews when it really matters for my research.

Here are a few references and interesting articles that are informing my thoughts:

Mann, S. (2016). The research interview: reflective practice and reflexivity in research processes. Palgrave Macmillan. I’ve downloaded the ebook version from my university library and making a point to read several chapters.

Saunders, B., Kitzinger, J., & Kitzinger, C. (2015). Anonymising interview data: challenges and compromise in practice. Qualitative Research, 15(5), 616–632. – This reference came from the blog post written by Gabi Whitthaus as she reflects on the anonymity of her research participants in this post titled Openness meets anonymity/attribution in my research – some ethical dilemmas and a way forward

Image attribution: Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash