Move On

I’m learning a valuable lesson about my brain. It’s constantly questing to MOVE ON. I’m finding it challenging to move at the pace of others and feel constrained by the flow of the current work in the course I’m doing. In hindsight, perhaps this may be a valuable PhD skill, but in the here and now, it is frustrating and anxiety producing.

I’m trying to move on, work ahead, have time to think carefully and spend time focusing on the tasks that are coming up, only to find that if I do, it will be a waste of time. I crafted a response for the weekly topic, ahead of schedule, only to realize that my response does not fit the questions that were asked, which were only released today. Now, the response I’ve spent time crafting, is no longer applicable, thus taking me backwards, all because my brain is pre-programmed to move on.

I’ll post my pre-prepared response here, since in some ways, I need to recognize that the time taken to reflect on this topic isn’t really wasted time. It will still inform and shape my ‘real response’ as I move on to reflect on the questions selected for this week. This is my brain – being informed and shaped by emotions, time, space, and concepts. This is not a controlled hallucination!

From this video, I jotted a few notes: our perceptual predictions are actively generated; predictions are hallucinations; reality is when we all agree on our hallucinations; our unified self includes bodily, perspectively, volitional, narrative, and social elements; interoception is responsible for control and regulation; predictions, or best guesses, come from within and without; our way of being conscious is only one way of being conscious; we are a part of not apart from the rest of nature.