A Pause for Good Health

There has been a significant pause in my PhD journey in recent weeks. This is both necessary and good for my mental, emotional, and cognitive health. This has not been a total stop since I have continued to read, research, and reflect on my PhD process and practice. I have been diverted to two research endeavours focusing on 1. mentoring in education and 2. parasocial relationships. I have also created a new course for my teaching, with a web site to contain the content, with links from the learning management system.

As I return to PhD work, with the beginnings of framing my comprehensive portfolio using the metaphor of a labyrinth, and completing a book review, I am certain that this recent hiatus from blog writing and research focused thinking will help refresh and revitalize my thinking, actions, and research directions. Daily meditation, reflection, and contemplation will help me through the upcoming months of research, writing, and scholarly tasks.