Seeing myself as a writer

I’m shifting and reframing my vision as myself as a writer, a scholarly writer, and academic writer. I write for myself, my blog followers, or course materials for my students, but I’ve not seriously viewed my writing from an academic, publication perspective. After yesterday’s conversations with others in I’m rethinking what it means to be a published author.

I’ve done some publications, one which was peer reviewed, but not enough to say I’ve done it. How many published works makes a person a published, academic, author? What are my ‘credentials’ for being a scholarly author? How do I shift past this resistance to authoring?

It’s in me to do – I’ve proven I can do it. Now I just need to do it some more and keep doing it. So part of the readings for the upcoming DocSem1 course included the ideas that I should find my cave, the place where I put on the writers hat and cocoon myself into a writing persona.

My space and time will include this comfy chair beside my front window, looking out at the back yard. Watching the rabbits, squirrels, breeze blowing through the garden and listening to bird song from the open window will become my ‘cave space’, my writer’s enclave. My time will be early morning, just after I get up (usually 6-6:30), while I enjoy my morning coffee. Not to say that this is the only time or space where writing will happen, but it’s my first choice, my safe place.

The suggestion yesterday was for me to take this PhD program as an opportunity and springboard for publication immediately, by digging into specific topics and focusing my writing into the areas where I’m building understanding. Putting my experiences, networks and personal tone to the work will make it unique and potentially acceptable for publication. I’m not putting rose coloured glasses on,  just exploring the idea that I truly have a unique perspective to offer others. I’ve got stories to share, and a voice with which to share them. It’s a matter or putting that voice to text and paper.