Thinking about a Thesis

Yesterday I had a conversation with another PhD student and we got into talking about our thesis and how we’ll have to develop it soon, from our current nebulous, somewhat fuzzy statements, to something specific, measurable, and binding. This is part of the process and, while we are taking courses to help shape this thesis statement, there is not much hard thinking happening yet. So fortuitously today I came across a web site that is a ‘thesis builder’ [] linked from this Northwestern Michigan College OER site.

I decided to give it a try, just to see what develops. Here’s my first try:

This isn’t accurate, nor is it complete. It’s a shadow of what will become my ultimate thesis statement. The title will become a well crafted, word-smithed compilation that paints a picture of what lies inside. This thesis is in its infancy and has much growing to do before it reaches the fullness and richness of an adult-like idea.

I’m putting this into my blog/reflections so I can come back to this when it’s time to do the hard work of developing a firm and accountable thesis statement. More to come.