New Lit Review

Reviewing the previous lit review reading I’ve done, I’m coming back to this since I’m about to begin in earnest.

My review of lit reviews started with my earlier blog post [?

This led me to review the Getting Started – Researching Guide from Oregon State since it’s well laid our and easy to read. Since I’m looking specifically for ideas on how to capture the literature I’m reviewing, some of the ideas on this site jumped out for me:

  • use a concept map to lay out the lit review and connections
  • use a spreadsheet to collect information about each article you read or may need to remember
  • use the power within search databases to save your search history e.g. EBSCO Host
  • use a citation manager such as Zotero – I’ll need to take another look at this to see how to pull out specific ones for a bibliography which could include my reference notes about the articles
  • apply some advanced search strategies as outlined

I think my next step is to return to work with Kim in the library for another session on using the library resources – this may kick start what I’m going to be working on for my thesis and focus my questions.