Academic Writing

Today I came across two resources about academic writing. I wanted to capture these resources and then take a moment to write about what this may mean for me.

The first article share ideas about prioritizing open accessible research articles when reviewing, sharing, researching. There are several statements of intent and some guidelines – one that states “2. The primary source cited should wherever possible be open access — so that it is immediately available in one click to readers. Closed access and paywall sources should always be cited as well, but now in a secondary role.”

The second article shares some tips and techniques for academic writing – these include:

  1. Be disciplined and write every day.
  2. Give yourself the best tools to write.
  3. Write as you would speak (aka read aloud what you just wrote).
  4. Have other people read your pieces to provide you with feedback.
  5. Read a lot, and read across different disciplines. 
  6. Write for your audience.
  7. Write without interruptions.
  8. Take care of yourself. 
  9. Practice your writing. Write a lot. 
  10. When stuck, write by hand. 

I’ll need to practice these as I dip into academic writing in a more concrete and focused way.