Taking it Out 2

More editing happening and some gems are being removed from the annotated bibliography since there just isn’t room for them all. Here are today’s revisions:

Mentis, M., Holley-Boen, W., Butler, P., Kearney, A., Budd, J., Riley, T., MacArthur, J., Dharan, V., & Bevan-Brown, J. (2016). Mawhai: Webbing a professional identity through networked interprofessional communities of practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 60, 66-75. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.08.008

Mentis et al. propose a framework called Mawhai (a New Zealand Maori term meaning web and net) that “enables professionals related to the field of education to ‘web’ inter-professional identities through ‘networks’ of inter-professional practice” (p. 66). The authors first explore definitions of professional identity development within inter-professional communities of practice, then explain the Mawhai framework within the context of the research, followed by quantitative and qualitative findings, before stating their conclusions. This research presents a case study of a contemporary approach to professional learning in order to “develop individual and collective professional identities through networked and inter-professional communities of practice” (p. 74) in more explicit and supportive ways. This research includes six competencies of practice (reflective and ethical, evidence based, culturally responsive, inter-professional, contextualized, and professional) which can be woven into each individual’s professional identity, and anchored into personal and cultural contexts. Future research, as suggested by Mentis et al., include the application of digital badging to the less tangible areas and competencies, as an innovative alternative to formal assessment and a means to garner recognition for cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and relational dimensions of professional identity.

QUOTES: “essential to teacher performance, commitment and retention is having a strong sense of professional identity” (p. 66)

professional identity is “often conceptualized in the literature as a process of ‘becoming’ and ‘belonging’ rather than a fixed identity state” (p. 66)

“four features of professional identity that involved: an outgoing process of interpretation; incorporating both person and context; multiple identities; and being active in the ongoing process” (p. 66)

“five components of professional identity: self-image; self-estee; job motivation; perception of the task; and perspective of the future” (p. 66)

“operationalize the term professional identity as the combination of one’s satisfaction with their job, ongoing commitment to the occupation, sense of self-efficacy and levels of motivation” (p. 66-67)

“professional identity involves critical thinking” (p. 67)

“development of professional identities, therefore, is a social process that occurs when individuals engage in dialogue and construct knowledge within communities of practice” (p. 67) citations omitted

“Effective practice is seen as being at the intersection between self-awareness and professional knowledge and skills, where the personal is professional (Osteen, 2011). Personal well-being is located at the heart of the Mawhai framework as developing a personal and professional identity is seen to involve “deep connections with others through shared histories and experiences, reciprocity, affection, and mutual commitments” (Wilber, 2000, p. 239)” (p. 69).

“Wellbeing is the dynamic and ongoing process of considering and nurturing one’s whole self and is reciprocally linked with teacher agency, identity, and authentic practice (citations omitted). Wellbeing includes commonly held understandings of positive emotion and self-care, but moves beyond these to encompass engagements, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. (citations omitted) Educators are supported to identify and use their strengths, and to engage in life-long learning as part of productive and fulfilling careers. Wellbeing then is a by-product of a life well lived.” (p. 69)

METHODS/WAYS TO DO: focused coding process – inductive method of data analysis; “responses to each question were initially read without any coding to allow the researchers to immerse themselves in the data. At the second reading data were given a description, and then upon the third reading the data were given a code based on the theme. Finally the codes or themes were examined to identify any that could be combined or subsumed into larger categories, a process that Bailey (2007) calls focused coding.” (p. 73) Reference: Bailey, C.A. (2007). A guide to qualitative field research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

SUMMARY: “Four main themes were consistently identified”…”being most important in shaping educators’ professional identity. These were opportunities to: gain knowledge of the evidence-base; engage in interprofessional learning and practice; reflect on professional practice; and, develop cultural competence.”(p. 73)